Startup management teams are often incomplete. They have a hard time covering all skills required in developing a business. Zerototen steps in to fill the gaps on an interim basis and take over full functions to help you progress your business and achieve great results.
Zero-to-ten assists your venture by helping you understand which functions you are missing expertise on.
It also takes on entire functions and helps you set up. Most importantly, it helps you enhance these functions, by initiating new partnerships, negotiating and closing deals, by finding valuable clients and even potentially opening new revenue streams. It also helps you build a CFO function and a CMO function and assumes business development, sales, and other roles on an interim basis.
What will interim business development and sales functions do
Zero-to-ten will
- help you develop an important network in your business
- use its network to help you establish partnerships that can enhance your prospects for additional revenue.
- structure a deal and negotiate it and close such deals, and
- monitor the implementation of deals.
Progressing on forming such partnerships can be crucial for a new ventures success in its first steps. It can accelerate growth and can win
What will interim business development and sales functions do
Zero-to-ten will
- help you set up appropriate management reports
- identify the right KPIs for your business
- suggest improvements to your overall financial management
- participate actively in the strategy formation of the new venture from the financial point of view
While a CFO function will not replace accountants and will not prepare tax documents, it will help you read your numbers in the right way so that you understand your business accordingly.